March 25, 2014

What is the primary reason for learning English for Japanese people? If they come to make conversations well in English, they will be able to realize something they are not expected. Here is one example. なぜあなたは英語を学ぶの?英語がちょっとだけ使えるようになったらこうなりました。一例を挙げます。

I considered again the reasons why Japanese people are learning English.

One of the main reasons is because this is"mandatory": (1) English is one of subjects in schools. (2) It is required for entering high schools/universities. (3) High scores for TOEIC/TOEFL tests are demanded in the companies in which they are working. (4) It is actually needed at work for communicating with co-workers in Japan. Another reason is because that is their "desire": (1) Many people think the Japanese who can speak English look cool, so they want to be like these people. (2) They want to travel all over the world without the language barrier.

A few weeks ago, I was given the link of this TED movie by my ESL teacher as a material for my homework. It left an impression on me after watching it, then it reminded me of my reasons for learning English again.

The world's English mania:

Here is the summary of his TED speech.
  1. Many people are eager to learn English in the world (ex. In Latin America, India, Southeast Asia and China etc.).
  2. The purpose for learning it for them is to improve their lives.
  3. America doesn't push English language to other countries. The whole world demands it.
  4. Your mother language is for your life, though English is for solving many problems in the world.
What strikes me most in this summary is No. 2 (English would improve our lives.). It is not until I watch it that I thought of No. 2 as a reason for acquiring English. In Japan, most of people usually don't need English. Without it, they can progress their work, they don't feel any difficulty of living, and they can buy what they want. That's why nobody in Japan would think that English is one of the important tools for getting a better life.

Needless to say, my main reason for learning it is to do my current job. Since I came to Dallas, I have communicated with others in English. As my English improves better, I feel it become easier to progress my work. English is a very important tool for me to progress my work.

I have realized one more thing through the communication in English. By talking with others who came from many countries, I come to compare my thinking/view with theirs. Usually, the main topic is about our work/researches. However, sometimes we talk about work-unrelated topics such as families, cultures, environment in which we brought up, future goals, and love and romance... etc (I love to know other cultures.). Then, It turned out that there are not so much difference between people and my view and behavior are not so unusual in comparison with those of others. As a results, I have confidence in myself and I could have expressed my own opinion to others without hesitation. Even if my thinking is different from others, I came to think it may be one of noble and precious ideas among many ones.

In short, I get to have a confidence in myself, only because I can communicate with others in English (Of course, I have no confidence in my English itself yet.). I could know others with it. If I could add this in my other reasons for learning English before, my English would improve more than now...??



  1. ラテンアメリカ、インド、東南アジア、中国等、世界中で英語熱が高まっている
  2. 英語熱の理由は生活をより良くするチャンスが高まるから
  3. 英語はアメリカが世界に押し付けているわけでない、世界中が英語を必要としている
  4. あなたの言語=生活するための言語、英語=世界の問題を解決するための言語
この中で印象に残ったのは、No. 2の英語学習の理由は生活を良くするため。これまで日本にいたときに英会話ができなくて困ったことがなかったもので、この映像を見て初めてこういう理由があるんだということに気付きました。日本で普通に生きている限りは英語はほぼ不要であって、例えば職業によっては英語によって給料が上げることができて、生活をよくするかもしれないけど、英語が生活を良くするとはいまいちピンときません。英語ができなくても大体において仕事は進められるし、生活に困らないし、ほしいもの普通に買えるし。ぼくだけでなくて、他の日本人だってNo. 2を理由に英語を勉強している人は少ないと思います。





ブログ: Chikirinの日記(2012-03-15)


セカ就!外伝 親子で世界就職 [Kindle版]


Amazon Services International, Inc.

英語もできないノースキルの文系学生はどうすればいいのか?~就職活動、仕事選び、強みを作る処方箋 [Kindle版]


Amazon Services International, Inc.

世界のどこでも生きられる! 外籠もりのススメ [Kindle版]


Amazon Services International, Inc.

March 8, 2014

Unfortunately, people who have no money can't become academic researchers. 残念ですが、お金がある人しか大学の研究者になれない。

Generally, scientific researchers are a group of high educational backgrounds. They finished graduate schools and have Ph.D or MD degrees. In my case, when most of my friends started to work after finishing high schools or colleges, I was still a student for a long time in order to get the Ph.D. Here I'm going to write about the expense for my education.

To complete colleges and graduate schools in Japan, it takes 4 years for colleges, 2 years for master's programs, and 3 or 4 years for Ph.D courses. Tuitions are generally $6,000-$30,000/year (national and public colleges/graduate schools are cheaper than private ones.). In addition, living expenses are required during being students.

I calculated the total cost of my education and living expense after entering a college. I have been to national college and graduate school for 10 years. So, the total cost exceeded above $200,000! (The tuition for 10 years was about $60,000 and the living cost was $162,000 ($1,500/month)). My parents spent most of this money for my graduation and degrees.

I think I was brought up in a middle-class family in Japan. My father was a high school teacher and my mother was a housewife. I have a three years younger sister (she finished a college.). Fortunately, my sister and I could complete all schools without bringing my family to financial ruin. I could study and focus on the entrance examinations and thesis defense without worrying about money.

It can be said that I am so fortunate, since I grew up in a happy home and country environment.

I thought about such things: What if my family had no money? What if I couldn't even go to elementary school because of houseworks? What if I was born in a poor country? What if I was a girl in such a country who has to get married at 12 or 13 years old with a man whom I don't know if I like or dislike and I had no choice but to do that for living my life...? It would be impossible to become an academic researcher in such situations.

Since I came to the US, I have met many kinds of people, American, Chinese, Korean, and Indian... etc (While I was in Japan, most of my friends, bosses and co-workers were Japanese.). Then, I have realized that there is no difference among people basically. I guess that what I'm thinking is similar to what other people in the world are thinking. Also, the way of people who can't even read and write in poor countries would be similar to mine. I'm feeling that I'm very near to such people and that poverty is not somebody else's problem.

The reason why I could get a higher education and become a scientific researcher was that I was simply lucky.

















大地の子 (1) -(4)

