April 30, 2014

I'm having such meals every day! アメリカで普段こんなものを食べています。

Everyone likes the foods which are eaten from their childhood and are familiar. I'm the same. Rice seems to be essential for me, because when I was living without rice for 1 week before (I kept having bread), I felt bad around my stomach. My digestive tract (stomach and intestine) may be suitable for digesting rice, since I have been having it for more than 30 years.

I don't want to die because of a lack of nutrition, so I usually cook and have such meals: Rice and Stir-fry vegetables! I'm thinking I won't die with them. Since I hate to cook, I make them for lunch and dinner only once a week. I have them little by little every day.

Let me show how to cook my meal here! 




I like to add beans and and wheat into rice, when I cook rice. 日本でもやっていましたが、米を炊く際に大豆や麦、黒米などを入れるのが好きです。

(1) Ingredients

(2) How to cook

2.Stir-fry vegetable
It't not difficult to make it. It must have high nutritional value (including proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers). 


(1) Ingredients

(2) How to cook

I may be a good cook!


April 25, 2014

I spoke to a cute lady...hehe. This may not be a bad act? ナンパも悪くない?

Last night, I was fed up with doing my experiment at around 1am in the common laboratory (the FACS core facility). I was so sleepy and really wanted to go home. While I was doing it, a female Chinese or Korean postdoc was coming into the room. I was surprised to see her because I didn't expect somebody was still working so late at night.

I focused on my work, but I remembered that my current hobby is learning languages (Actually, I'm learning not only English but also Chinese and Korean by myself at home). I thought that it was a good chance to show my language skill! Then, I tried to speak to her when she was about to finish her experiment.

We talked for a while. Also, we talked about us each other. According to her, she is a Korean and came to Dallas five years ago (fortunately, she seemed to understand my broken Korean!). To my surprise, she had been working, taking care of her child. Hearing her story, I was impressed to know one example of woman's career development, because I'm interested in how women do both working and leading a family life simultaneously.

It was good for me to speak to her. I could add one person in my friend's list. After talking with her, that boring work progressed so quickly.






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