February 28, 2014

How many more times can we see our parents before they die? 両親が死ぬまでに、これからあと何回会えるのだろう。

I happened to find a useful website. This can tell us how many times you can see your parents in the future.

"See your folks": http://seeyourfolks.com/

It is very easy to use. Just enter where your parents live, how many times you see them on average in a year, and their ages. Then, push "Show My Result".

Your results show on the screen right away.

In my case, I will be able to see my parents only 8.5 times before they die!

Let's try it, if you live apart from your parents, especially.


"See your folks": http://seeyourfolks.com/




February 21, 2014

An excellent English grammar and spelling checker. By applying it, you can surprise native speakers with your beautiful sentences in English. It's for free. 素晴らしい英語校正ツール。これがあればネイティブはあなたの英文に思わず驚愕する。無料です。

I would like to introduce you the English grammar and spelling checker, "Ginger it". Did you already know it?

I have realized that it is really helpful for me to write English since  I began to use it in the last post in my blog. Since then, I can have a confidence a little to show my sentences corrected by it. It is kinder than the spelling check function in the Microsoft word. I think not only me but also native speakers can also use it. 

I'm showing how to use it. That's not difficult.

Once you click the link, you can see the opening page.

First, select "Product -> Grammar Checker".

Next, put some sentences you wrote in the above blank.

Then, push "Ginger it".

After a few second, your mistakes and modifications are shown there. If you want to see alternative expressions, push "Click to view rewriting alternatives".

You can some the alternative expressions there.

My favorite point of this checker is that it has the sentence rephraser shown in the last figure. It is helpful for me to know new phrases as well as to correct my sentences.

I tried other English spelling checkers, but "Ginger it" was the best for me. Here are other checkers. You can find your best one.


Online Text Correction


あなたが書いた英文のスペルミスや文法の間違いを指摘してくれる英文校正ツールを紹介します。Microsoft OfficeのWordにある校正機能よりも全然親切です。

「Ginger it(日本語版)」 http://www.getginger.jp/

使い方は超簡単。以下のように、このウェブサイトを開いたあとにあなたが書いたlovelyな文章を入れて「Ginger it」を押すだけ。



Also, I know my effort of blogging may end up in vain. However, I'm expecting my life and my future will change with my blog.

「Ginger it」はこう教えてくれました。

Besides, I recognize my effort of blogging may end up in vein. Even so, I'm expecting my life and my future will alter with my blog.




Online Text Correction


February 20, 2014

I know I will be out of the circles of people after revealing my true feelings to them, especially in Japan, but I like to do it. 自分の考えをさらけ出すと浮くのは知っていますが、それが好きなのです。

I'm writing my main reason why I’m blogging.

As you can see, I'm kidding with my posts in this blog every time, but I have some reasons for continuing my blog. This is one of my experiments based on my serendipity. I feel that some good things will come to me in the future, if I can keep showing my professional skills, personality, and honest opinion here. Let me explain it now.

We can know about many people easier than ever on the internet (including blogs). At the same time, we can put up the information we throw on the internet. In the old days, we couldn't do the same thing as this unless we engage in specific occupations such as a writer, novelist, and journalist, etc. I have noticed that I also can show myself in public with my blog. Fortunately, I can write sentences in English, even though they are broken.

In addition, I have also realized that everyone including me can produce and show new views and new values which are different from others, since all people possess their own 'filters' which can filtrate information they obtain from their life and work in dissimilar ways. Everyone has a filter which has different pore sizes and different-shaped meshes. So, I believe I also can give new ones to people.

Blogs are one of new tools to encounter fresh people. If I can keep blogging for a long time, my view may be overheard by someone who reads it, has different professional techniques from mine, and realizes my value of thinking. If I take a chance to come across such people, I may be able to work with them and to create new works which no one couldn't produce so far! So, I'm expecting I can become a new type of scientific researcher by gaining new value or valuable things with fresh people.

In reality, the number of the readers of my blog is nevertheless only 50 people... I don't guess I can become a new person with my blog before long. Besides, I recognize my effort of blogging may end up in vain (though it requires a great deal of time for composing new posts every time.). Even so, I'm expecting my life and my future will alter with my blog. I hope it will be read by many people.

By the way, when I reveal my true feelings such as this post to people, sometimes I am out of the circles of them. But I don't worry about it, because I know there are many kinds of people in the populace and some people will be capable to read my view. That's enough.





みなさん、クマムシ研究者の堀川大樹さん@horikawad(現在、パリ第5大学所属、小保方さんの論文の件で少し話題になっているようですが)をご存知でしょうか。最近は 彼はキャラクタービジネス(クマムシぬいぐるみ)とか有料メルマガ発行という活動で、公的資金に頼らないで研究費を捻出する斬新な研究費獲得モデルを作ろうとしています。将来はこの形で研究費だけでなく、生活費まで稼げることを目標にしている新しいタイプの研究者です。なぜこういう理想が形にできつつあるかのきっかけを調べていくと、もともとは彼自身が書いていたブログでした。彼の得意分野や想いを自身のブログに発信し続けたことで彼に同調できる人が集まった結果のようです。また、研究者ではありませんが、新規な価値観をブログで提供し続けて、実際にそれで生計を立てているプロブロガーという人たちも少しづつ生まれてきています。



February 15, 2014

The similarity between how to progress with researcher's work and how to make love or how to get boy/girlfriends 研究者の仕事の進め方と恋愛戦略の類似性

While I have been working as a scientific researcher for years, I have noticed some common things about how to get new findings or how to solve problem in scientific area. Here is the one I found. I guess many researchers are doing their work based on it.

(1) First, look for some new topics you can research
  • Collect information (search literature and attend academic meetings)
  • Make sure your experimental techniques and your circumstance (reagents or equipment available)
  • Perform easy experiments for screening 
  • Then, find the new topic! Decide the theme.

(2) Next, build hypothesis and consider strategy (Think the best way for getting new findings)
  • Make plans for detailed experiments
  • Value all information you can get, even if they are so tiny things
  • Have a confidence, even if they are challenging topics for you such as those in Nature, Science...etc

(3) Then, perform these experiments
  • Do experiments, experiments and experiments
  • Don't miss all information from what you are doing
  • Don't be in a hurry. You will be able to get nothing, if you rush so much.
  • Change your hypotheses and strategies little by little with data you are getting 

(4) If your hypothesis are denied by all data...
  • Check all data you got/Reflect yourself on your behavior
  • Get new experimental techniques in order to obtain new data
  • Don't be so sad. You should think you could obtain new experience with such efforts this time.
  • Think about which is better, you can continue this topic or try new one.
  • Don't be emotional!

I noticed one more thing. These methods can be applicable for making love.

(1) First, look for some new topics you can research (Look for handsome guys/pretty ladies)
  • Collect information (co-worker, friend's friend, picking up on street, and dating service online)
  • Make sure your experimental techniques and your circumstance (your looks, conversation skills, and friends who can cooperate with you)
  • Perform easy experiments for screening (collect some information from friends around such possibilities or with making a chat with them directly)
  • Find the new topic! Decide the theme. (That's him/her!)

(2) Next, build hypothesis and consider strategy (Think the best way for getting a new boy/girlfriend)
  • Make plans for detailed experiments with all information you got (this is important in order to get)
  • Value all information you can get, even if they are so tiny things
  • Have a confidence, even if they are challenging topics for you such as those in Nature, Science...etc (Don't be afraid, even if she is so cute or so beautiful)

(3) Then, perform these experiments
  • Do experiments, experiments and experiments (e-mail/text, phone, dating, and xxx etc.)
  • Don't miss all information from what you are doing for her
  • Don't be in a hurry. You will be able to get nothing, if you rush so much.
  • Change your hypotheses and strategies little by little with data you are getting

(4) If your hypothesis are denied by all data... (If you are dumped...)
  • Check all data you got/Reflect yourself on your behavior
  • Get new experimental techniques in order to obtain new data (ex. Read many manuals for getting boy/girlfriends?)
  • Don't be so sad. You should think as you could obtain new sample you didn't know this time.
  • Think deeply about which is better, you can continue this topic or try new one.
  • Don't be emotional!
I recommend you have some topics at the same time, because it can be also explained by probability theory to find new discoveries. You should have the sense of science, if you want to increase in winning probability.

Today is the Valentain's day. I wish everybody who read it can spend a wonderful time with your partner!


(1) 最初に研究テーマ探し
  • 情報収集(文献調査、学会に行くとか)
  • 自分が持っている実験技術・周りの環境を考える(実験装置の有無とか)
  • 簡単な実験・スクリーニング
  • 課題発見、テーマ決定(これはビッグテーマだ!)

  • 得られる情報はすべて大事にする
  • 具体的な実験を考える
  • 大きすぎる課題に対しても自信を持つ(例えNature、Science級でも)

(3) そして実行
  • 実験、実験、そして実験
  • 実験中も対象に対する情報収集は欠かしてはならない
  • 大事なのは焦らないこと、一つ一つの作業を丁寧に
  • 仮説通りにならないときは仮説をマイナーチェンジ、そして戦略の練り直し

(4) もし仮説が全否定された場合
  • すべての実験データを検証、自分の失敗を振り返るのも一つ
  • 新たな実験技術を習得して今までとは違ったデータを出せるようにする
  • がっかりしすぎない、この方法はだめということがわかった思うこと
  • もうこのテーマを諦めるか、新テーマに挑戦するかじっくり考えて決める
  • 何があっても感情的になるのはいけません


(1) 最初に研究テーマ探し(恋人候補探し
  • 情報収集(学校職場の野郎ども/女の子たち・友達の友達・ナンパ・出会い系とか
  • 自分が持っている実験技術・周りの環境を考える(自分の容姿・会話テク・協力してくれそうなお友達
  • 簡単な実験・スクリーニング(簡単な会話等で
  • 課題発見、テーマ決定(この人だ!

  • 得られた情報はすべて大事にする
  • 戦略を練る、具体的な実験を考える
  • 大きすぎる課題に対しても自信を持つ(例え相手がNature、Science級でも

(3) そして実行
  • 実験、実験、そして実験(メールのやり取り、電話、デート、そしてXXXとか
  • 実験中も対象に対する情報収集は欠かしてはならない
  • 大事なのは焦らないこと、一つ一つの作業を丁寧に
  • 仮説通りにならないときは仮説をマイナーチェンジ、そして戦略の練り直し

(4) 万が一仮説が全否定された場合(つまり振られた
  • すべての実験データを検証、自分の失態を振り返るのも一つ
  • 新たな技術を習得する(恋愛マニュアルを読むとか?
  • がっかりしすぎない、この方法はだめということがわかった思うこと
  • もうこのテーマを諦めるか、新テーマに挑戦するかじっくり考えて決める
  • 何があっても感情的になるのはいけません(ストーカー行為は危険です



February 9, 2014

Do you hate helping other people? I'm always expecting to get your assistance. 人助けは面倒くさいっすか?あなたのお手伝い期待しています。

When I'm asked by people something I can do, I'm usually take it willingly as much as possible, even if I have my own work and I'm busy at the moment. Of course, the reason for this is that I want many people to help me when I have difficulty for something. I may feel it stronger than other people, so I may notice easier than other people that someone is in trouble. And seeing such people, I feel like helping them soon.

This happened to me these days.

One day my friend working at other institute was looking for a new postdoctoral position (a new job), since his lab was about to be closed soon because of his boss's moving. Fortunately, he could get his job in a lab at UT Southwestern (the same institute as me) last week. I was really relieved to here that.

What if he couldn't find any jobs in the US? He would have to go back to his country (his visa status was going to be expired soon) and would have to quit his work as a researcher in medical science, because there was no jobs for him in his country. That is, he was in dangerous situation as a researcher. When I heard his sad situation, I felt sorry for him and wanted to help him, because if I were him, I would really want other's help. In those days, all I could do was to ask my friends around me about available positions for him and I did that.

I was surprised to find one thing. Some of his friends did nothing for him, even after they knew his serious crisis. I think they could asked other people, as I did. At first, I though they disliked him or they were very busy in doing their business. But this seemed not to be right. They simply had no interest in him and in his critical situation! I couldn't believe that.

However, I can't blame for his friends, because I may think it too much. And I might not have realized many other's difficulty so far. This time I happened to find his crisis fortunately.

Helping people is important for us, because I'm thinking that would be a kind of the safety nets to live or survive in the world. We can't live without other's assistance. We need other's help in some situation. If I help someone, I might get other's help. If I don't help anyone, nobody would help me.

Needless to say, I should forget my kindness after working for people. I dislike guys who have a patronizing attitude. :)









February 3, 2014

To tell the truth, new discoveries found by other researchers make me unconfortable. But I can't ignore them. 正直言うと他研究者の新発見なんて聞きたくない。でも無視するのはもったいなさすぎる。

Last week, I heard a news that a Japanese young biologist, Dr. Haruko Obokata, found innovative discovery in stem cell research (Nature.com, The New York Times, WSFA.com, and blogs.discovermagazine.com...etc).

Here is her big finding: She found the easiest way to make stem cells. White blood cells from a baby mouse put in a mild acid solution for 25 min, stem cells (STAP cells) eventually emerge (!) that can turn into any other cell in the body, skin, heart, liver or neurons. That means, if our cells which consist of our body are taken out from somewhere in body, put in an acid solution, and culture for a while, we may be able to get our organs from these cells. So far, many researcher have tried to make stem cells from adult cells, but there is no known such an easy method of making it. (The 2012 Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Yamanaka found iPS cells which have similar character to STAP cells, but it is more complicate to make iPS than STAP cells.)

Every time I hear other researches find innovative discoveries, I admire them, of course. But to be honest, I hate to admire or feel frustrated simultaneously (I have small capacity...). Fortunately, her new discovery this time was not in my research area, so I don't feel bad strongly. But if scientists in my field discover great new findings, I will feel so uncomfortable. Am I the only one who thinks this? Am I like a child? I don't know.

However, I know it is quite meaningless to be frustrated by other's good performance. So, I should accept them and I should learn from those researchers. They must know a lot of things I don't know. For example,

1. In order to get new discoveries, how did they lead their new idea by themselves?
2. What was the thing that they struggled with the most and how did they overcome it?
3. Why didn't they gave up such difficult projects halfway?

I think these three answers derived from their experience are related to the strategy or methodology for challenging the unknown world. In order to find important discoveries in each fields, their experience will help not only me but also other people who are in different research area or who are not scientists.

In short, we should learn from discoverers and use their experience in each work. If we have some luck, we may be able to find big discoveries as well and to change the world. And we should do that.

Someday I want to become like this scientist and I want to become a researcher who are asked my experience by many people after finding new innovative discovery.





