February 3, 2014

To tell the truth, new discoveries found by other researchers make me unconfortable. But I can't ignore them. 正直言うと他研究者の新発見なんて聞きたくない。でも無視するのはもったいなさすぎる。

Last week, I heard a news that a Japanese young biologist, Dr. Haruko Obokata, found innovative discovery in stem cell research (Nature.com, The New York Times, WSFA.com, and blogs.discovermagazine.com...etc).

Here is her big finding: She found the easiest way to make stem cells. White blood cells from a baby mouse put in a mild acid solution for 25 min, stem cells (STAP cells) eventually emerge (!) that can turn into any other cell in the body, skin, heart, liver or neurons. That means, if our cells which consist of our body are taken out from somewhere in body, put in an acid solution, and culture for a while, we may be able to get our organs from these cells. So far, many researcher have tried to make stem cells from adult cells, but there is no known such an easy method of making it. (The 2012 Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Yamanaka found iPS cells which have similar character to STAP cells, but it is more complicate to make iPS than STAP cells.)

Every time I hear other researches find innovative discoveries, I admire them, of course. But to be honest, I hate to admire or feel frustrated simultaneously (I have small capacity...). Fortunately, her new discovery this time was not in my research area, so I don't feel bad strongly. But if scientists in my field discover great new findings, I will feel so uncomfortable. Am I the only one who thinks this? Am I like a child? I don't know.

However, I know it is quite meaningless to be frustrated by other's good performance. So, I should accept them and I should learn from those researchers. They must know a lot of things I don't know. For example,

1. In order to get new discoveries, how did they lead their new idea by themselves?
2. What was the thing that they struggled with the most and how did they overcome it?
3. Why didn't they gave up such difficult projects halfway?

I think these three answers derived from their experience are related to the strategy or methodology for challenging the unknown world. In order to find important discoveries in each fields, their experience will help not only me but also other people who are in different research area or who are not scientists.

In short, we should learn from discoverers and use their experience in each work. If we have some luck, we may be able to find big discoveries as well and to change the world. And we should do that.

Someday I want to become like this scientist and I want to become a researcher who are asked my experience by many people after finding new innovative discovery.







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