I would like to introduce you the English grammar and spelling checker, "Ginger it". Did you already know it?
"Ginger it": http://www.getginger.com/
I have realized that it is really helpful for me to write English since I began to use it in the last post in my blog. Since then, I can have a confidence a little to show my sentences corrected by it. It is kinder than the spelling check function in the Microsoft word. I think not only me but also native speakers can also use it.
I'm showing how to use it. That's not difficult.
Once you click the link, you can see the opening page.

First, select "Product -> Grammar Checker".

Next, put some sentences you wrote in the above blank.
Then, push "Ginger it".

After a few second, your mistakes and modifications are shown there. If you want to see alternative expressions, push "Click to view rewriting alternatives".
You can some the alternative expressions there.

My favorite point of this checker is that it has the sentence rephraser shown in the last figure. It is helpful for me to know new phrases as well as to correct my sentences.
I tried other English spelling checkers, but "Ginger it" was the best for me. Here are other checkers. You can find your best one.
Online Text Correction
あなたが書いた英文のスペルミスや文法の間違いを指摘してくれる英文校正ツールを紹介します。Microsoft OfficeのWordにある校正機能よりも全然親切です。
「Ginger it(日本語版)」 http://www.getginger.jp/
使い方は超簡単。以下のように、このウェブサイトを開いたあとにあなたが書いたlovelyな文章を入れて「Ginger it」を押すだけ。

Also, I know my effort of blogging may end up in vain. However, I'm expecting my life and my future will change with my blog.
「Ginger it」はこう教えてくれました。
Besides, I recognize my effort of blogging may end up in vein. Even so, I'm expecting my life and my future will alter with my blog.
Online Text Correction
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