January 14, 2014

Let's be honest to your own feeling at work.(わがままに仕事しようよ)

Probably, I have met over 100 researchers so far. Among them, there are only few people who have an ability to enjoy their work from their heart. In my feeling, the ratio of them is less than 20% in the whole young researchers. Other 80 % of people think their work as their duties and do them every day reluctantly. As you know, our work is not easy to do because our mission is to find out new discoveries and we don’t finish it within daytime, so we generally have to work at night and to go to our lab even on weekends. I’m wondering why these 80% of people can continue their work in such tough situations and why they don’t quit. I think they can switch to new work which seems to be more fun. But if they can’t quit, how about trying to make your current work more fun?

I consider the common points in people who can enjoy work. Absolutely, they do never think their work as their duties and these work are parts of their life and themselves. They can work even on holidays, think of new idea in a relax time, and produce new works with them. People who love working don’t understand the idea of a work-life-balance, even though they have their family and children.

Why can they enjoy their work? Why can they throw themselves into work? I think one of the reasons is that they are not doing other people’s work. They are only doing their own work, even though they are hired by their bosses. In addition, they can build their work with their own idea. I guess they would know that it is boring to do only tasks which others give.  

Here is my experience. I can enjoy my work these days, but I had felt boring it previously. I can make my work by myself now, but I had only helped my supervisor’s job before. One day I got a job at Hokkaido Univ. in Japan about 5 years ago when I had no ability to work by myself. No co-colleague was there and my PI (principal investigator, my boss) didn’t give me any research theme because our research fields are different each other (I’m still wondering even now why he hired me?). So, I had to find topics for study and need to complete them. Fortunately, this PI had a lot of funds, so I could try a lot of things I thought of. At first, I didn’t get any good results at first. But after testing many experiments, I could complete one project and publish one good paper finally. This is the first time for me to build a research topic and perform it by myself. That was a tough work, but I could feel working was fun. This experience changed how to do my work.

From the experience, I found the below thing in order to make our work fun.
  1. Consider thoroughly how to make your work fun. Never stop considering.
  2. Decide to do just "your favorite" at work. Stop doing what you hate to do.
  3. Not do other people’s jobs mainly. When you get tasks from your boss, you need to think them deeply until they become your own jobs.
  4. You need to produce your idea and perform them by yourself, even though you are hired by someone
Let's be honest to your own feeling. Whether you will find any fun at work or not depends on your attitude towards what you do every day.

たぶん今まで、100人以上の博士号を持つ研究者と話してきた。その中で心から仕事を楽しんでそうな人は感じとして全体の2割くらいしかいない気がする。他の8割の人らは、仕事を義務として、毎日の課題をせっせとこなしているようだ。研究のメイン業務は新しい発見をすることであって、こんな仕事が毎日定時で終わるわけなく、夜遅くまであるいは土日も出勤する。もちろん残業代なんて出ないよ。義務で仕事してる人を見てると、なんかつらそうでかわいそう。どうして辞めずに続けていられるのか不思議に思うのは自分だけだろうか。もっと割りのいい仕事世の中にたくさんあるんじゃないの? 辞めないまでも、もっと楽しむ工夫しない?




  1. どうすれば楽しくなるか苦しくなるくらい考えまくる。考えることを面倒がらない
  2. 興味ないことは一切やらない。
  3. やらされ仕事をなくす。上司からの仕事は、自分のものにできるまで考えぬく。
  4. 雇われ人の我々でも、自らのアイディアを積極的に出す。

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