Last summer I met a problem with a car dealer. The air conditioner in my car didn't work well suddenly and the cool air didn't come. That means that it was impossible to use my car in mid summer, because here is Texas and the temperature become more than 40 degree. As soon as I noticed it, I brought it to the Mazda dealer and I asked them to fix it. A few days later my car was returned and the air conditioner seemed to be fixed correctly (it costed about $950.).
However, I noticed one issue soon. The information display in the center console didn't show anything, though it was working well before fixing the air conditioner. I contacted the dealer again and ask them to fix the display. Then, they said that the additional fee is needed for fixing it ($350) and it was broken from the beginning. I couldn't understand what they said. I explained the truth, but they didn't listen to me. I was not sure how I could do next.
Then, I asked my American friends how they react if they meet such an issue. They suggested these five tips to me:
1. Pay $350 immediately and let them fix it
This is the quickest way to finish the issue. But most of people would not be satisfied with this.
2. Tell his supervisor or manager
This may work well and we may be able to get a good solution. But it will not work if the dealership isn't interested in return customers. I recommend this, because sometimes I meet such sales people (especially here) who judge everything on their own without confirming company's rules.
3. Send a letter/e-mail to their official customer center
This may also work well.
4. Contact a small claims court, BBB
BBB (The Better Business Bureau) is an organization which gives us a better solution for small disputes between shops and customers. Here is how to contact BBB: First, access the BBB website ( Next, enter our zip code and open the BBB of our region. Then, we just put our and shop's information and the detailed problem there. It seems that we can do the all process online.
5. Tell media such as TV stations or News paper offices
If the shop's behavior is too bad and these media think that this problem make people surprised or have impact on people, they may broadcast it. Also, they seem to have a dispute resolution team that may help us confront the problem. In Dallas area, we can contact them:
(1) Becky.Oliver at Fox4DFW (TV) ( or
(2) Dave Lieber at Dallas Morning News (News paper), (
After all, my problem with the Mazda was solved like this. I asked them to check the display again, then they found it wasn't broken (It had simply connection issue and the Mazda didn't confirm it at the final stage of fixing the air conditioner.). This wasn't my fault, so I asked them to bring my car to my home for free. They agreed. If I didn't complain about the additional fee ($350), I might have to pay it for replacing the display to new one.
Here is the most important thing. People from other countries such as me don't know much about the life in the US. So, it is very important for us to make reliable American friends here whom we can ask even small questions at any time. This time I felt relieved talk to them as well as I could know how to solve life troubles as written above.
1. 35000円払ってすぐ直してもらう
2. 担当者と話すのは諦めて、その上司や店の偉い人と話す
3. 本社かその顧客センターに連絡する
4. BBB(The Better Business Bureau)に相談
日本でいう消費生活センターです。相談すると解決策を示してくれます。方法は、まずBBB(にアクセスし、住んでいる地域のZIP code(郵便番号、ダラスであれば75235とでも)を入力します。そうすると、担当地域のBBBのwebsiteが開くので、あとは指示に従って自分や相手先の情報、そしてトラブル内容を書きこんで送信するだけです。すべてオンラインでできそうなので、英語での電話が苦手な人でも安心して相談できます。
5. マスコミに言う
(1) テレビ局Fox4DFW、担当者・Becky Oliver(メールアドレス または。
(2) 新聞社Dallas Morning News、担当者・Dave Lieber (
嫌われる勇気 [Kindle版]
岸見 一郎, 古賀 史健
Amazon Services International, Inc.
However, I noticed one issue soon. The information display in the center console didn't show anything, though it was working well before fixing the air conditioner. I contacted the dealer again and ask them to fix the display. Then, they said that the additional fee is needed for fixing it ($350) and it was broken from the beginning. I couldn't understand what they said. I explained the truth, but they didn't listen to me. I was not sure how I could do next.
Then, I asked my American friends how they react if they meet such an issue. They suggested these five tips to me:
1. Pay $350 immediately and let them fix it
This is the quickest way to finish the issue. But most of people would not be satisfied with this.
2. Tell his supervisor or manager
This may work well and we may be able to get a good solution. But it will not work if the dealership isn't interested in return customers. I recommend this, because sometimes I meet such sales people (especially here) who judge everything on their own without confirming company's rules.
3. Send a letter/e-mail to their official customer center
This may also work well.
4. Contact a small claims court, BBB
BBB (The Better Business Bureau) is an organization which gives us a better solution for small disputes between shops and customers. Here is how to contact BBB: First, access the BBB website ( Next, enter our zip code and open the BBB of our region. Then, we just put our and shop's information and the detailed problem there. It seems that we can do the all process online.
5. Tell media such as TV stations or News paper offices
If the shop's behavior is too bad and these media think that this problem make people surprised or have impact on people, they may broadcast it. Also, they seem to have a dispute resolution team that may help us confront the problem. In Dallas area, we can contact them:
(1) Becky.Oliver at Fox4DFW (TV) ( or
(2) Dave Lieber at Dallas Morning News (News paper), (
After all, my problem with the Mazda was solved like this. I asked them to check the display again, then they found it wasn't broken (It had simply connection issue and the Mazda didn't confirm it at the final stage of fixing the air conditioner.). This wasn't my fault, so I asked them to bring my car to my home for free. They agreed. If I didn't complain about the additional fee ($350), I might have to pay it for replacing the display to new one.
Here is the most important thing. People from other countries such as me don't know much about the life in the US. So, it is very important for us to make reliable American friends here whom we can ask even small questions at any time. This time I felt relieved talk to them as well as I could know how to solve life troubles as written above.
1. 35000円払ってすぐ直してもらう
2. 担当者と話すのは諦めて、その上司や店の偉い人と話す
3. 本社かその顧客センターに連絡する
4. BBB(The Better Business Bureau)に相談
日本でいう消費生活センターです。相談すると解決策を示してくれます。方法は、まずBBB(にアクセスし、住んでいる地域のZIP code(郵便番号、ダラスであれば75235とでも)を入力します。そうすると、担当地域のBBBのwebsiteが開くので、あとは指示に従って自分や相手先の情報、そしてトラブル内容を書きこんで送信するだけです。すべてオンラインでできそうなので、英語での電話が苦手な人でも安心して相談できます。
5. マスコミに言う
(1) テレビ局Fox4DFW、担当者・Becky Oliver(メールアドレス または。
(2) 新聞社Dallas Morning News、担当者・Dave Lieber (
嫌われる勇気 [Kindle版]
岸見 一郎, 古賀 史健
Amazon Services International, Inc.
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