April 1, 2015

How to work. Here is the difference between excellent people and me (ordinary people). Probably, the motives for working are totally different. 仕事のお話。プロフェッショナルとぼく(普通の人)との違いはこれです。たぶん、仕事をする動機がまるで違うのです。

So far, I have had opportunities to go to stadiums for watching sports games such as baseball, basketball, or ice hockey both in the US and Japan. Here are the most impressive ones I have ever seen. The teams I cheered came from behind and won dramatically.

1. October 21, 2009. Japanese professional baseball, Fighters (at my home town) vs Eagles at Sapporo Dome.
  Fighters 5-8 Eagles, in the bottom of the 9th inning (the final inning). Terrmel Sledge hit a grand slam which dramatically turned the tables. Finally, Fighters 9x-8 Eagles.

2. February 7, 2015. NBA, Dallas Mavericks (at my town) vs Portland Trail Blazers at AA Center.
  Dallas 93-96 Portland, in the fourth quarter (the final quarter). Dirk Nowitzki drained a 3-point shot with 20 seconds remaining in regulation. Finally, Dallas 111-101 Portland.

If Sledge and Nowitzki didn't scored at that moment, our teams (Fighters and Mavs) would lose. Needless to say, I was so impressed by their performances.

NBA, Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers at AA Center (Feb 7, 2015)

Here, I try to think why I was moved by these great performances and why they could show us such plays (the grand slam and 3-point shot) at that important moment. I guess the answer is that they had been suffering hard training and kept thinking how to show good performance to us.

The reasons why they can keep bearing such hardships and keep making efforts are probably;

1. To get their money, to live, and to get a contract for the next season
  This is the same motive as that of normal working people.

2. They love their athletics, so they always want to be involved with their sports

3. To become better than any other players
  No wonder about these reasons.

4. To contribute their teams
  They would want to be accepted by their teammates.

5. To become rich, and then to see new world for them
  Maybe, it's true.

6. To become famous people and to remain in history
  It would be also true.

7. To make their fan happy and feel excited or impressed with their super performance

8. After becoming great players,
(1) They want to become leaders (coaches/managers) and want to develop great successors
(2) They want to work in responsible positions and to solve problems in their area
(3) They want to have positive impacts on many people with how they lived

In other words for No. 8,
=> They want to contribute people, and then they want to be thanked by people.

As I wrote here, such top athletes (or people who can produce good performances) may have great abilities to find good motives to hard work. This may be one of the large differences to ordinary people (me).

Then, I try to overlay these motives on my case.

[For me]
1. To get my salaries, to live, and to get a contract for the next season (Yes, of course!)

2. I love my job, so I always want to be involved with it (Yes, but sometimes No)

3. To become a more excellent researcher than any others (Yes)

4. To contribute my team (No, I don't think it so much because of the difference of the job character)

5. After being rich, I want to see new world for me (Yes, a little bit)

6. To become famous people and to remain in history (Yes, a little bit)

[For someone else]
7. To make people happy and feel excited or impressed with my super performance such as my new discovery or new products (Yes!)

8. After becoming a great researcher,  (A dream beyond dreams..)
  (1) I want to be a leader (professor/president) and and want to develop great successors in my field
  (2) I want to be responsible positions in my area and to solve many problems
  (3) I want to have positive impacts on someone else with how I live

=> I want to contribute someone else to be thanked by them.

I found these motives can be overlaid on ordinal people such as me. So far, I have been thinking the "1. To get my salaries.." is the most important incentive for my work. But if I added others, especially, "8. To contribute someone else and to be thanked by them", I could work more positively and enjoy it.

Why does the "To be thanked by people with our work" become one of motives for doing our jobs? Probably,

We could feel as if we found the place where we can be in our society.

That makes sense. If I had no place to be and nobody cared me, I would be sad.

“I want to do my best at work to make a place where I can be in the society.”

This is the strongest motive for me I can think of right now. Seeing the great athletes, I have realized it.

Here is about my job. I will not be able to continue to do it for a long time without producing great performances. So, I have often worked with some small reasons, as mentioned above. However, to be honest, I couldn't do my work with such motives. That means I often feel I want to throw my tasks away, and I often don't feel like doing anything. Of course, I need to keep working, even though I have any motives or incentives. But if I would find some strong motives, I could work positively. That would lead to produce better performance than ever (I hope..)

This time, I wrote my impression about the great athletes (Sledge and Nowitiki). As written here, these two players had a good influence on how I think about my work. That means they have a place in my memory where they can be (I will not forget them). I'm so jealous of these guys.


(1) 2009年10月21日、プロ野球、日ハム vs 楽天、札幌ドーム、クライマックスシリーズ第2ステージ
  9回裏(最終回) 日ハム 5-8 楽天、日ハムの攻撃。1アウト満塁、5番バッター・スレッジ逆転サヨナラ満塁ホームラン日本ハム 9x- 8 楽天。

(2) 2015年2月7日、NBA(バスケットボール)、ダラス vs ポートランド、ダラス・アメリカンエアラインセンター
  第4クォーター(最終回)ダラス 93-96 ポートランド、試合終了20秒前にダラスのエース・ノビツキー3ポイントシュートを決めて96-96の同点。延長戦へ。その後、ダラスが逆転勝ち。ダラス 111-101 ポートランド。




1. 給料をもらっているから、仕事だから、生活のため、今季の活躍が来季の契約に影響するから

2. もともとそのスポーツが好きでたまらなくて、年中それに関わっていたいから

3. 誰よりも上手くなって、そのスポーツを極めたいから

4. チームに貢献したいから

5. 高給を得ることで金持ちになって、今まで知らなかった世界を見たいから

6. もっと有名になりたいから、歴史に残る選手になりたいから

7. 自分のプレイでお客さんを喜ばせたいから、感動させたいから

8. 名選手になる必要があるから、というのも、
 (1) 引退後は、指導者になって優秀な後輩を育てたいから
 (2) 引退後は、そのスポーツ界全体の発展を考える立場に就きたいから
 (3) スポーツの枠を超えて、自分の生き様が人に影響を与えられたら嬉しいから


=> 人に貢献したいから。そして貢献した人から感謝されたいから。


次に、上記の動機をぼく(普通の人間)の場合に機械的当てはめてみました。 ((1) 自分のため (2) 人のため、に分類)

「(1) 働くのは自分のため」

1. 給料をもらうため、仕事実績を作って次の仕事ポストを獲得するため (うんうん!)

2. もともと自分の仕事が好きで関わっていたいから (はい、そうです)

3. ゆくゆくは業界内外で有名になりたいから(ま、まあね)

4.  金持ちになって、今まで知らなかった世界を見たいから(ま、まあね…) 

「(2) 働くのは人のため」

5. 所属する組織・同僚のため(全員給料が上がるとか、所属組織が有名になるとか) (仕事の性質上、これはあんまし考えてないな)

6. 誰かを喜ばせたいから、感動してもらいたいから(画期的な新発見をしたり新製品を出して、世の中を便利にするとかで)( 是非したいっす)

7. 仕事実績を作ることで業界内外で有名になって、(夢のまた夢ですが)
 (1) 将来は指導者になって優秀な後輩を育てたいから
 (2) 将来は業界の問題点を改善できる立場に就きたいから
 (3) 業界の枠を超えて、自分の生き方が誰かの人生に影響を与えられたら嬉しいから

=> 人に貢献したいから。そして感謝されたいから。



=> 社会に自分の居場所を確保した気分になれるから。






MLB, テキサス・レンジャーズ vs. シアトル・マリナーズ (July 18, 2013)
(ピッチャー: ダルビッシュ, バッター: イチロー)

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