January 22, 2014

What happens on his English if a guy with no sense of learning it stays in America for 2 years. 英語オンチがアメリカに2年いるとこうなります

It has passed 2 years and 1 month since I came here. I don't think my English has improved so much, because I have not got new grammatical knowledge and new phrases or expressions a lot. However, some changes were seen. It seems that I have found something I needed to use it while I have been here.

Here is the comparison of my status between the past and the present.

The past (2 years ago)
  1. Speaking: I could say "Hi, Hello, Yes/No, and Good morning".
  2. Listening: I sometimes could hear "Hi, Hello, Yes/No, and Good morning".
  3. Reading: Slow.
  4. Writing: I always needed an online dictionary
    [My impression]
  • People who speak English looked like aliens (Sorry...)
  • I didn't want to go anywhere except my lab. (Of course, I couldn't order meals at Mcdonald's.)
  • I thought I can never make any friends forever.

The present
  1. Speaking: Still too bad, but better than before.
  2. Listening: Still too bad, but better than before. I can't understand long sentences.
  3. Reading: Slow.
  4. Writing: I don't always use an online dictionary.
    [My impression]
  • I can know some latest news and weather forecast on TV.
  • At Mcdonald's, I always ask to add a bacon in a hamburger without mayo. 
  • I can enjoy an one-to-one conversation.
  • I have some friends with whom I can go outside or have meals.
  • It's still difficult to understand private conversations among native speakers.
  • It's still hard to watch movies and dramas...(・ω・*)

When I look back, I think my friends have improved my English. If I couldn't get any friend here, it would be still unchanged. That means I have got the conversation skill in English from these friends, though I have not got new knowledge of English .

In summary, I could know how to talk to people, though my knowledge have not been increased. It was an important thing for me.

As you know, most Japanese people are not good at English compared to others from other countries. I am a typical Japanese person as to English. I hope that you will look on us with your warm eyes.



  1. 話す:Hi, Hello, Yes/No, Good morning は言えた
  2. 聞き取る:Hi, Hello, Yes/No, Good morning がたまに聞こえた
  3. 読む:遅い
  4. 書く:オンライン辞書なしでは到底無理
  • 英語を話す全員が人間じゃなく見える
  • 職場以外に外に出るのが億劫、マックでヘコむ
  • 友達を作るなんて永遠に無理だ

  1. 話す:ものすごく下手、でも前よりもまし
  2. 聞き取る:ものすごく下手、でも前よりもまし、話が長くなるとついていけない
  3. 読む:遅い
  4. 書く:辞書たまに使う
  • テレビでニュースと天気予報の情報が取れる、一生懸命聞けば、疲れる
  • マックでのハンバーガー注文、ベーコン追加とマヨ抜きで
  • 1対1の会話であれば楽しむことができる、調子がよければギャグもわかる/言える
  • 一緒に出掛けたり食事できる友達が何人かいる
  • ネイティブ同士の会話は理解できない 
  • 映画、ドラマは難しすぎますわ...(・ω・*)







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