January 27, 2014

Even a monkey can do medical/biological experiments (I really don't want to use living animals in experiments (1)) サルでもできる医学・生物実験(本当は生きた動物を実験になんて使いたくない(1))

About using animals in medical study.

I know there are many people who are opposed to animal experiments from the point of the view of animal welfare. I don't mention here if I agree with the animal test or not. I'm writing the current situation of it.

It is true that many medical researchers working at medical/biological research institutes or companies are doing animal experiments. The reason why they are using animals are that they are requested to show findings at academic meetings or in scientific journals with the scientific basis. That means they have no choice but to do animal experiments, because there is no substitute methods for them at the present.

Definitely, we can't use animals in our studies without permission from the institute, because we are regulated by the law of animal welfare (both in Japan and in America). Before starting experiments, we have to submit our experimental plan to the committee of our institutes. Then, we need to get the permission to use animals from them.

In my impression, we can't start animal experiments easily. It is really a tough work and take much time to complete the thickness application for it, because we have to fill in a lot of the necessary items on it. For example, the purpose of our study, the appropriateness of using animals, how many animals we need, how to use them, period, and the expected results etc. After submitting to the committee in the institute, our experiment are judged if this has problem or not. If there are problem in our application, we can't do our planning experiments.

I'm using animals in my study now, according to some planed experiments which are obtained permission. I would like everyone to know that I don't want to use them and we are making a lot of efforts to seek alternative ways without animals.






January 22, 2014

What happens on his English if a guy with no sense of learning it stays in America for 2 years. 英語オンチがアメリカに2年いるとこうなります

It has passed 2 years and 1 month since I came here. I don't think my English has improved so much, because I have not got new grammatical knowledge and new phrases or expressions a lot. However, some changes were seen. It seems that I have found something I needed to use it while I have been here.

Here is the comparison of my status between the past and the present.

The past (2 years ago)
  1. Speaking: I could say "Hi, Hello, Yes/No, and Good morning".
  2. Listening: I sometimes could hear "Hi, Hello, Yes/No, and Good morning".
  3. Reading: Slow.
  4. Writing: I always needed an online dictionary
    [My impression]
  • People who speak English looked like aliens (Sorry...)
  • I didn't want to go anywhere except my lab. (Of course, I couldn't order meals at Mcdonald's.)
  • I thought I can never make any friends forever.

The present
  1. Speaking: Still too bad, but better than before.
  2. Listening: Still too bad, but better than before. I can't understand long sentences.
  3. Reading: Slow.
  4. Writing: I don't always use an online dictionary.
    [My impression]
  • I can know some latest news and weather forecast on TV.
  • At Mcdonald's, I always ask to add a bacon in a hamburger without mayo. 
  • I can enjoy an one-to-one conversation.
  • I have some friends with whom I can go outside or have meals.
  • It's still difficult to understand private conversations among native speakers.
  • It's still hard to watch movies and dramas...(・ω・*)

When I look back, I think my friends have improved my English. If I couldn't get any friend here, it would be still unchanged. That means I have got the conversation skill in English from these friends, though I have not got new knowledge of English .

In summary, I could know how to talk to people, though my knowledge have not been increased. It was an important thing for me.

As you know, most Japanese people are not good at English compared to others from other countries. I am a typical Japanese person as to English. I hope that you will look on us with your warm eyes.



  1. 話す:Hi, Hello, Yes/No, Good morning は言えた
  2. 聞き取る:Hi, Hello, Yes/No, Good morning がたまに聞こえた
  3. 読む:遅い
  4. 書く:オンライン辞書なしでは到底無理
  • 英語を話す全員が人間じゃなく見える
  • 職場以外に外に出るのが億劫、マックでヘコむ
  • 友達を作るなんて永遠に無理だ

  1. 話す:ものすごく下手、でも前よりもまし
  2. 聞き取る:ものすごく下手、でも前よりもまし、話が長くなるとついていけない
  3. 読む:遅い
  4. 書く:辞書たまに使う
  • テレビでニュースと天気予報の情報が取れる、一生懸命聞けば、疲れる
  • マックでのハンバーガー注文、ベーコン追加とマヨ抜きで
  • 1対1の会話であれば楽しむことができる、調子がよければギャグもわかる/言える
  • 一緒に出掛けたり食事できる友達が何人かいる
  • ネイティブ同士の会話は理解できない 
  • 映画、ドラマは難しすぎますわ...(・ω・*)







January 20, 2014

A Japanese is excited to use a shower gel with the scent of Japan made in the US. 日本人が日本の香りがするアメリカ製のボディソープに感激している件

I found a shower gel with the scent of Japanese cherry blossom at Bath & Body Works in Galleria in Dallas. Seeing it, I wanted to have the smell and to try it. I bought it soon.

Bath & Body Works in Galleria, Dallas
Shower gel with the scent of Japanese cherry blossom 
All shower gels I have used in the US are scented strongly for me compared to those of made in Japan. But this item is different from others available in the US. This smell is relatively weak and I felt comfortable after using it.

I thought this smell is similar to that of "Sakura-Mochi (桜餅)", a rice cake with sweet bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf. Of course, it smells good.

(Obtained permission to use it, probably)
(Obtained permission to use it)

I was glad to know that one thing related to Japan is valued in the US.

ダラスのGalleriaというショッピングモールに入っているお店Bath & Body Worksで「日本の桜の香りがするボディソープ」を見つけたもので買ってみた。



January 19, 2014

Even a monkey can do medical/biological experiments (Cell Culture (1)) サルでもできる医学・生物実験(細胞培養 (1))

Although nobody ask me, I'm writing this with a smug look. If you experts find some mistakes in my contents, please let me know without being noticed by other people.

Here, I'm going to talk about how to start cell culturing. That's a basic technique for medical/biological experiments.

By the way, what is a cell?

Wikipedia says:
"The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms. Cells are the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and are often called the "building blocks of life"."

Although both Escherichia coli (E. coli) and amebas are also cells, I'm using animal cells as an example here.

For cell culture experiments, you need a room enough to put these equipment:
  1. Incubator (a box for breeding cells, temperature: 37 degree and CO2 concentration: 5%)
  2. Hood (a box which provides an aseptic work area)
  3. Centrifuge
  4. Invert microscope 
  5. Refrigerator (4 degree) and freezer (-20 and -80 degree)
  6. Thermostat bath (up to 100 degree)
  7. Trash bin
1. Incubator (37 degree and 5% of CO2)
2. Hood (an aseptic work area)

3. Centrifuge

4. Microscope (Invert type)

5. Refrigerator and freezer
6. Thermostat bath (up to 100 degree)

Various sizes of No. 1, 2, and 3 are available. If you choose tabletop-type ones, you can do the experiments in a corner of your room.

Next time, I will show some reagent you need in the experiments.




  1. インキュベーター(細胞を育てる箱)
  2. クリーンベンチ(無菌空間の箱)とイス
  3. 倒立型顕微鏡
  4. 遠心分離機
  5. 冷蔵庫(4度)、冷凍庫(-20度、-80度)
  6. 恒温槽(500mlの瓶が数本入って60度くらいの温度まで温められるもの)
  7. 専用のごみ箱


January 18, 2014

Even a monkey can do medical/biological experiments (Introduction) サルでもできる医学・生物実験(序章)

Let's get started your own medical/biological study!

I'm assuming you are a researcher in chemistry, physics, mathematics, or unrelated study to medical/biology at university or industry. Or you are a student at high school or college. You have no experience to do medical/biological research so far. If you include these experiments in your research, can you imagine what results will bring to you? You may be able to find new discoveries with these new data. But you don't know how to start them. What will you do?

Here, I'm going to give a lecture for setting up new biological experiments. It is easier to learn these experimental techniques than to remember chemical reaction equations or to learn program codes! You can master them soon with LESS efforts. You will be able to know about how equipment and reagents you need, what is the latest technique, and what if experiments are failed. If you already contacted other biological researchers for your work, that's good for you to read this as well. You can talk to the experts without any misunderstanding.

Before I started medical/biological study 10 years ago, I had done the study of food processing at college and physical/computational chemistry at graduate school. Like you, I had no experience for it until then. After getting Ph.D in chemistry, I started to work at a lab in immunology with a lot of fear. But when I dissected a mouse for the first time and saw the stomach, liver, small intestine, and kidney...etc in this mouse, I was so excited and impressed! I will write to you here based on such my experience.

In order to start your biological experiments, you need to choose materials for your project. For example, some insects around you, fishes available at grocery stores, or molds on breads in your fridge.

However, I recommend that you use materials which biologists generally use. The reason is that there are many equipment and reagents available for researching them and I can answer all your questions about these subjects.

Generally, many experts use cells from animals or plants, DNA obtained from these cells, animals (mouse, rat, rabbit, dog, or pig etc), or organs got from them, a part of human organs, or human blood for the study.

Next time, I'm going to write the most improtant and easiest technique of all experiments, cell culturing. This is common procedure in such researches as brain, cancer, stem cell, and plant area. You might as well get new weapon as get this technique.







January 14, 2014

Let's be honest to your own feeling at work.(わがままに仕事しようよ)

Probably, I have met over 100 researchers so far. Among them, there are only few people who have an ability to enjoy their work from their heart. In my feeling, the ratio of them is less than 20% in the whole young researchers. Other 80 % of people think their work as their duties and do them every day reluctantly. As you know, our work is not easy to do because our mission is to find out new discoveries and we don’t finish it within daytime, so we generally have to work at night and to go to our lab even on weekends. I’m wondering why these 80% of people can continue their work in such tough situations and why they don’t quit. I think they can switch to new work which seems to be more fun. But if they can’t quit, how about trying to make your current work more fun?

I consider the common points in people who can enjoy work. Absolutely, they do never think their work as their duties and these work are parts of their life and themselves. They can work even on holidays, think of new idea in a relax time, and produce new works with them. People who love working don’t understand the idea of a work-life-balance, even though they have their family and children.

Why can they enjoy their work? Why can they throw themselves into work? I think one of the reasons is that they are not doing other people’s work. They are only doing their own work, even though they are hired by their bosses. In addition, they can build their work with their own idea. I guess they would know that it is boring to do only tasks which others give.  

Here is my experience. I can enjoy my work these days, but I had felt boring it previously. I can make my work by myself now, but I had only helped my supervisor’s job before. One day I got a job at Hokkaido Univ. in Japan about 5 years ago when I had no ability to work by myself. No co-colleague was there and my PI (principal investigator, my boss) didn’t give me any research theme because our research fields are different each other (I’m still wondering even now why he hired me?). So, I had to find topics for study and need to complete them. Fortunately, this PI had a lot of funds, so I could try a lot of things I thought of. At first, I didn’t get any good results at first. But after testing many experiments, I could complete one project and publish one good paper finally. This is the first time for me to build a research topic and perform it by myself. That was a tough work, but I could feel working was fun. This experience changed how to do my work.

From the experience, I found the below thing in order to make our work fun.
  1. Consider thoroughly how to make your work fun. Never stop considering.
  2. Decide to do just "your favorite" at work. Stop doing what you hate to do.
  3. Not do other people’s jobs mainly. When you get tasks from your boss, you need to think them deeply until they become your own jobs.
  4. You need to produce your idea and perform them by yourself, even though you are hired by someone
Let's be honest to your own feeling. Whether you will find any fun at work or not depends on your attitude towards what you do every day.

たぶん今まで、100人以上の博士号を持つ研究者と話してきた。その中で心から仕事を楽しんでそうな人は感じとして全体の2割くらいしかいない気がする。他の8割の人らは、仕事を義務として、毎日の課題をせっせとこなしているようだ。研究のメイン業務は新しい発見をすることであって、こんな仕事が毎日定時で終わるわけなく、夜遅くまであるいは土日も出勤する。もちろん残業代なんて出ないよ。義務で仕事してる人を見てると、なんかつらそうでかわいそう。どうして辞めずに続けていられるのか不思議に思うのは自分だけだろうか。もっと割りのいい仕事世の中にたくさんあるんじゃないの? 辞めないまでも、もっと楽しむ工夫しない?




  1. どうすれば楽しくなるか苦しくなるくらい考えまくる。考えることを面倒がらない
  2. 興味ないことは一切やらない。
  3. やらされ仕事をなくす。上司からの仕事は、自分のものにできるまで考えぬく。
  4. 雇われ人の我々でも、自らのアイディアを積極的に出す。

January 11, 2014

What I'm doing here (1) (ここでぼくは何をしているか (1))

I'm going to write about my work.

I'm a researcher in biological and medical study. My mission is to find out what events are happening in disease animals (mice) and to suggest many idea of new therapy for patients. In other words, we can be called “creators in the field of science, because our work is to create new ideas and things which will be useful for everyone based on experimental data.

Generally, we are working with our bosses and co-workers in such styles: First, PIs (principal investigators) get some grants from public institutions or private companies by persuading these institutions with their new idea. Next, they hire us (young researchers) with these funds. So, our mission is to produce data under PIs' guidance and publish many scientific papers. These papers will give another grants to PIs.

How we work varies depending on PIs’ thought or our personalities. Some prefer doing only things which their bosses give, and some want to build their own themes and to proceed by themselves.

What will happen to us in the future, if we continue to work? Based on our publication, we may become professors at universities, then we can proceed our work with only our own idea. If we can produce great work which impact on the world, we may be respected by many peopleAt the same time, we can educate young students in this position and may make my excellent juniors (This is what I’m interested in). In addition, we will get new wonderful and respectable friends through work more than ever. Also, we may have chances to obtain patents at work and may be able to establish biotechnology venture companies. This means we can make a contribution to society directly by selling my producing service. If so, we may become a millionaire? We may be able to buy a condominium in Florida?...We may be able to see such worlds which I have never met before. What fun I have!

Like that, our work provide us great dreams.





January 8, 2014

I'm addicted to...(○○中毒です)

I was about to write my research here this time, but I happened to find this picture right now while I was surfing on the internet. 

Fig. 1. Negative cycle of drug addiction. (Ref.1, Translated into English by Tsugu)

This is from the website of Miyagi prefecture in Japan (in Japanese only) and showing the frightfulness of drug usage. Seeing it, I remember that I'm addicted to another thing now. Here it is:

Fig. 2. Negative cycle of Facebook addiction which is showing Tsugu's current situation

At the same time, I also find the website which we can make its parodies (Ref. 2, in Japanese only) and made this new figure with it.

I may be a Facebookaholic! Somebody, please help me to stop Facebooking!! 

...It took about one and half hours to draw this new picture (though I have much things I need to do about my work!). Next time, I will write my research.


宮城県広報誌の薬物乱用の恐ろしさを伝える悪循環図(Fig. 1)これをパロった図がTwitter上で出回ってるらしい。よく調べてみると、こんな図の作成サイト画像変換ジェネレータ」 

早速、自分も作ってみた(Fig. 2)。



January 6, 2014

My visa status has been extended (滞在ビザ延長)

My visa for staying in the US was expired at the end of last Nov, but it has been extended by 2016. That means my boss will continue to hire me. Of course, I'm very happy (*>ω<). When I came here 2 years ago, I was afraid that I might lose my job and had to go back to my home country 2 years later. I look forward to what I can do at work or others in the next 2 or 3 years.

Even if my visa couldn't be extended this time and I lost my job, I would be also willing to look for something interesting in Japan and to start them. Though I would be frozen like a slug at the moment when I was fired by my boss...


もし、今の仕事がこれっきりでビザ延長できていなかったら…?クビを伝えられた瞬間、驚いてなめくじみたいになるだろう Σ(゚Д゚)ガーン。でも、日本に帰っておもしろい何かを探してそれを始める気もするな。

January 5, 2014


Hi There! I'm Japanese and my name is Tsugu. I came to Dallas about 2 years ago (December of 2011). I'm doing medical/biological research (Immunology and Radiation biology) at UT Southwestern.

I started writing a blog, because not only I practice English but also I want something like my business card which can express my name, skill and personality. I hope this blog will connect me with my future friends and co-workers as well as my current ones.

Welcome to "My life in a lab".


ようこそ、"My life in a lab"へ。